All School

K - 12th Grade

  • Dramatic Productions

  • Field Trips

  • Service Day

  • Silverwood Trip

Elementary Students

K - 5th Grade

  • Father & Son Mini Golf Event

  • Mother & Daughter Tea

  • Speech Meets

  • Spelling Bees

  • Family Fifties Fun Night

Middle School Students

6th - 8th Grade

  • Athletics

  • Father & Daughter Date Night

  • Mother & Son Game Night

  • Pacific Northwest History Trips

  • Speech Meets

  • Student-Led Chapel Worship

High School Students

9th -12th Grade

  • Annual National Parks Trip
    In the course of four years of high school, our students travel to amazing destinations including: Washington, D.C., Mount St. Helens, Yosemite, the National Parks of Utah, and more!

  • Athletics

  • High School Formal

  • Mission Trips

  • Reader’s Theatre

  • Student-Led Chapel Worship

  • Senior Adventure